Nicole and Adam wedding at Cloisters Castle

Okay, where do I start? When I think back to Nicole and Adams wedding day, I think about really deep connections, bold laughter, tight hugs and some of the most all around sincere love I’ve ever had the privilege to photograph. And by sincere love, I don’t necessarily just mean the love between Nicole and Adam. The web of friendship that seemed to weave its way through the entire wedding whether through blood or not was astounding.

A couples wedding often tells you a lot of about that couple and who they are, and Adam and Nicole are both pure love with a big dash of intelligence, responsibility, creativity and geek. To say I am thankful to have worked with them wouldn’t be enough, which is fitting since I am writing this on the eve of Thanksgiving.

These two got married at Cloisters Castle on a gorgeous fall day. I am just going to list my favorite things:

1.     They hid these little wooden cats all over the venue for guests to find HOW FLIPPING FUN IS THAT?!

2.     Their cake… well... just see it for yourself

3.     THE DANCING. I was not expecting them to go so HARD and it was so fun to capture.

I am so happy to share these images!

Caterer: Zeffert and Gold

Florist: Radebaugh

Dress(es)/Suit(s) David’s Bridal/Men’s Wearhouse

DJ/Band: Dance Masters Entertainment

Makeup/Hair Swept LLC / Mindy Whalen